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April 22, 2014 at 09:06AM:


SQBA — is an analytical service with segmentation and cohort analysis. It allows you to configure your iOS apps for individual user groups in a blink of an eye without resubmitting your apps to the AppStore. SQBA - service that allows customization of your iOS application for specific groups of users instantly without any update publishing in AppStore. We provide an SDK for iOS. The only thing developer needs to make it work is to configure wanted app events and upload config files to SQBA server. After that all the tools will be available: analytics, segmentation, reconfiguration, pushes and in-game bonuses. Edit TECHNOLOGY 1) Filters There are two filter types: general (like language, device type, session length, etc.) and application-specific (like current game level, collected game artifacts, etc.). 2) Group Users are divided into groups based on filters. We’ve got default Smart Groups for every app: paying users, social users, ad-likers and inactive users. But the real power comes in custom groups you can create for your application. 3) Settings We provide you a tool to edit text configuration files for specific user groups. You can use it to configure for example prices and descriptions of the store items, game balance, lists of artifacts. Configuration editor also provides you versioning system and convenient JSON editor. 4) Resources You can also store and modify any of application resources in our cloud. For example, textures, wallpapers, sounds. Stored resources will be versioned and divided into user groups. You can instantly replace any resource for any user group.

Read full article: FeedMyApp


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