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Alchemistas Beyond The Veil

July 26, 2014 at 06:03AM:

• and Dreamt Vision's central goal of this project has been to empower the new emerging global youth driven Transformational Festival culture and Visionary Arts movement and at the same time to strengthen our purpose and broaden our collective perspective, by honoring the sacred, the miraculous beauty in our self and our universe through all the content we have collectively packed in this app. • With this app we intend to create a platform that can generate awareness and fiscal support to drive the mission of our visionary artists and pull back the global perspective towards self-appreciation through meditation, shamanism, plant medicines, lucid dreaming and other heightened states of consciousness and awareness. The artists are bringing visions from other realm onto the canvas where no camera can be taken. • To provide the user with content that pleases the eye, ears, mind and ultimately lead those to see the world in a new way, to seek and appreciate the sacredness in nature and self.

Read full article: FeedMyApp


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