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How can I remotely power up my computer from a full shutdown state?

September 10, 2014 at 05:19AM:

I’m looking to set up my desktop so that I can power it on from anywhere with my phone. I found one article on this site describing an app that can wake computers from sleep or hibernate, but I’d like to be able to do it from a completely shut-down mode. One idea I had was to hook up an always-on Arduino to my wifi and place it between or in tandem with the power button on my PC, but a small amount of research revealed that that would take a far larger amount of Arduino knowledge than I currently possess. Can anyone suggest an app or potentially simpler method of turning it on from anywhere? Will wake on LAN work if the computer has been powered off completely? I know the Mobo itself stays on in some capacity itself as long as it’s getting power, as it charges devices (or turns any USB port on that demands power, really) even in a “powered off” state.

Specs (Only posting what I think would be relevant here, can update if you need more)

Asus Maximus 6

Generic phone company modem/router (can get more specific specs if necessary)

Windows 8.1

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