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September 02, 2014 at 08:30AM:

ZenQ is Ze way to say ‘thank you’ and appreciate another awesome human. On your mobile. In zeconds. - Imagine swiping through your friends and endorsing them for their positive personal qualities. So one is simply amazing, another is charming, fun, energetic etc. - Find out what makes YOU awesome in your friends’ view. Discover your key strengths based on what they appreciate most about you. - Someone made your day? Search for them and leave them a nice message or endorse them for a couple of qualities. Let everyone know how special they are! - Say ZenQ and spread some love! Boost your personal relationships or simply send a smile to a random friend. Have fun and be ^.^appy*. What users say about it: “It's ridiculous how simple it is and how much value it brings” Iulian Novac, MindValley “We all have traits that are positive and having them highlighted is great” Rune Sovndahl, First Online Solutions "I love this app. I'm already using it every day. It's a perfect way to start the day off on a positive note. My wife and I are at a point in life where we are really focused on staying positive and living a happy life, and gratitude rituals are a big part of it. This is awesome for us" Brian Kalma, Blade “Really wonderful app. ZenQ has amazing UI and UX!” Yaroslav Kupyak, Cliptone “Ze best idea ever” Nadia Terzieva, Start It Smart “It’s DEFINITELY cooler implementation than i thought” Adam Berk, neigh*borrow

Read full article: FeedMyApp


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