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November 10, 2014 at 12:17PM:


Knowlium is an online business planning software that makes it easier for entrepreneurs to create a solid business plan founded on realistic financial projections. Stay on top of your monthly budget, revenue growth rate and break-even point with a dashboard and reports. Knowlium empowers entrepreneurs to take control of their destiny by simplifying the strategic planning and management of a startup. The funding process can be daunting, especially when it comes to building realistic forecasts. Knowlium let’s you design a revenue model with ease, project financial outcomes and generate beautiful business plans infused with infographic goodness. But it doesn't stop with a plan. Knowlium helps tracks actual financial progress to continuously improve future plans. Invite your teammates to collaborate on building your startup's vision and strategy. Whether you’re just starting ideation, or getting ready to launch, Knowlium guides you through the planning process–one step at a time to make sure you make the right decisions. Signup for early beta access:

Read full article: FeedMyApp


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