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Inspire Me

December 25, 2014 at 02:12AM:


People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily. – Zig Ziglar To be successful, hard work, determination, drive and acting to the best of your ability are just some of the things you need to remain in the game. With demanding schedules and having to manage the little time that you already have, sometimes you may need an extra push. Imagine seeing a message or notification with words of inspiration and motivation. Picture seeing this as the first thing when you awake in the morning or when you're have a rough day. Though simple, wouldn't this give you a little fire to get the going. This is where Inspire Me can help. Inspire Me is an application designed to motivate and enthuse you with motivational and inspirational quotes. The application is designed so that you can browse random quotes for that extra motivation and inspiration. It also features notification quotes so that even when you forget what really matters, it will remind you. You even have the option of displaying words of inspiration and wisdom on your home screen with the application's widget.

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