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Are there any free or cheap software that will import movies from iTunes to my Galaxy Note 3?

April 15, 2014 at 11:55PM:

Hello there, I have a Galaxy Note 3 and need to import some movies purchased from iTunes store for watching. The problem is that the iTunes movies are protected by Apple.

I have to firstly get rid of the lock from those movies before I can transfer them. I tried Handbrake, Camtasia to record the movies but both can’t record the screen only the audio. I also tried the free download version of iTunes and a DRM media converter and that worked for me. But it only works for 1 minute and I need to pay $50 to get the rest converted.

I would prefer something cheaper or free if possible. Any recommendations? Mac OS X 10.9 and iTunes 11.

Post and answer: Are there any free or cheap software that will import movies from iTunes to my Galaxy Note 3?

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