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Can you help me create an Excel 2010 formula for displaying blank cells?

April 16, 2014 at 12:10AM:

I need an Excel 2010 formula that

1) displays whatever the value is of a given cell but

2) if there is no value there – it displays the cell as a blank (at the moment whenver I use the “=” function for a cell that is blank, I’m getting “0.0″ in the cell I enter the formula in.


A1 is: 18500

A2 is: (blank)


What formula would I use in a different cell to display A1 & A2 respectively with A2 showing as a blank instead of 0.0?

Post and answer: Can you help me create an Excel 2010 formula for displaying blank cells?

Read Question - Answers: MakeUseOf Answers


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