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October 01, 2014 at 03:36PM:

A modern, easy to use, convenient and mobile first solution to engage in sports and games. Social networks only claim that they are building communities whereas often they are just helping people spend even more time staring at a screen in isolation. Existing fitness oriented social networks never suggest calling a friend to go for a run. Rather, they encourage going by yourself and then telling all your friends all about it on Facebook. Online multiplayer is great and everything, but there’s nothing quite like gaming together with friends who are there with you in person, or competing in front of a cheering crowd. Think back to those games you played at the arcade, or on the playground, or on your friend’s couch. PlayWith helps friends and strangers get together to play the games they love. Using PlayWith people can find a game to play, right now or later. Anything from a game of soccer to a tennis match, on the pitch or on the couch.

Read full article: FeedMyApp


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