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Spice up your e-mails with Zemanta!

Image representing Zemanta as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

Its been a while now, I am using Zemanta for blogging and I am really enjoying using it. Writing a text only posts with some text decorations was not helpful for making any impression on users. But with Zemanta - its a new world of graphics, related articles that makes your post pretty impressive. If you have Zemanta plug-in installed [Firefox] you will see the Zemanta appearing to the right side of your "Create Blog Post" pannel while writing a post and a Zemanta button appearing into your Gmail and Yahoo! Mail in "Compose" email pannel.

Zemanta is - Simple point & click enrichment of your blog posts (and emails). In real-time, while you type. We suggest tags, links, photos, and related articles. You save time and aspirin.

Now, there is Zemanta for Gmail and Yahoo! Mail too! Well, similar to blog posts, reading and writing the text only mails is a sort of boring, at least for me. I always wanted to have something that spice up my writing in blog posts and emails too.

Yahoo Mail with Zemanta!

Gmail with Zemanta!

Isn't it a cool way to blog and email?

You need to install the Zemanta - Firefox plugin to see the Zemanta button in your Gmail and Yahoo! Mail compose pannel.
[Screenshots: Zemanta]

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