Twups is a twitter aggregator, pulling the most popular twitter topics into one place, so you can keep up to date on what is going on in the world, via twitter. We also make it super easy to reply directly to a tweet, or even retweet something you find on Twups directly from your Twitter account.
All topics can be found via category or alphabetically, you can also do a quick search. You can also suggest topics via our Twitter account.
How does Twups work?
Select a Category or Letter to find topics. Just click on the topic of choice to go the Twups page. For exampe:
Twitter Page • Obama Page • Kindle Page
Twups will keep track of any recent topics visited, so check back with the front page to find more topics.
All topics can be found via category or alphabetically, you can also do a quick search. You can also suggest topics via our Twitter account.
How does Twups work?
Select a Category or Letter to find topics. Just click on the topic of choice to go the Twups page. For exampe:
Twitter Page • Obama Page • Kindle Page
Twups will keep track of any recent topics visited, so check back with the front page to find more topics.
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