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We believe email marketing tools should be easy to use and deliver measurable results. Here's how the easymsg process works. We design your custom templates to your exact specifications. Once those templates are developed and approved, you have the ability to add content as you see fit. We even allow you to upload photos to our server for free! After you've added your content to the template, you select the list of subscribers and hit send. That's it! Now sit back and watch as the real time analytics show you how well your easymsgs are performing. If you are looking to send an email newsletter, a high-impact email promotion, an email event invitation, or just build your email lists, you need easymsg.

Email marketing with easymsg makes it easy and affordable for you to connect with your customers. Our tools are perfect for churches, schools, businesses... anyone looking to increase sales, advertise deals or communicate to their users more efficiently. Sign up today and start marketing with easymsg.


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Protect Your email address from Spam!

Spam emails are the worst problem an email user always face. Though there are no hard and fast rules or techniques to stop the spam apart from the email providers Spam Filters or Controllers. You would possibly have published your email address on web-pages or a blog from where the spammers may crawl and catch it, just like the search engine crawlers do for your keywords. So, here is a technique to stop them from catching [auto crawling]. Create an image/ graphics of your email address. There are many websites proving you a free email graphics of your email address, but I found couple of them easy to do so. The image below is a demonstration of how you can easily create a graphic version of your email and use the small code on your website / blog to display it. You may do this with any graphics software but doing this online would be much easy ! This would help you to protect your email address. Try creating your email address with: Domain Tools and Safe Mail