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September 26, 2014 at 03:13PM:

HTML5 Ad Production - Build HTML5 display ad campaigns in seconds, not weeks. BannerFlow allows businesses, advertisers, agencies and designers to create and manage large volumes of HTML5 banners, a whole host of sizes, languages and variations, without having to rely on designers. By using the easy-to-use drag & drop banner builder you can make your banner production more efficient. BannerFlow's powerful 2-second ad enginge automatically adds new sizes for you so you never need to spend precious time copy and pasting your designs into new banner sizes. Make real-time changes simultaneously to your ads remotely, enabling you react to unexpected opportunities - even when your campaign is already published and running. Want it mobile ready? It comes right out of the box. Recognize the problems below? You are forced wait weeks for your banner campaigns to be designed, created and delivered by a costly design team. Meanwhile there's nothing for you to do because your campaign isn't ready yet. On receiving your banner ads you realise there's a typo, or the opportunity has passed because the time-to-market is unacceptably long! You banner ad campaign falls flat on its face and you're forced to go back to the drawing board. Internationalizing your marketing campaigns for different sales regions is expensive, slow or and takes up way more time than it should. You want to make cool stuff on your banners like dynamic content but it’s too complex, and expensive, so you just give up. You feel that you have lost control of your campaigns after you have sent your banners to the publisher. Are you tired on banner production being a bottleneck of your business? Let BannerFlow solve these bottlenecks in your business.

Read full article: FeedMyApp


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