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PLAYER – Musician’s music player

January 12, 2015 at 12:45PM:


Every musician spends a lot of time learning to play other people’s music. MiQ's unique new app PLAYER – Musician’s music player makes the process easier than ever. PLAYER – Musician’s music player also makes it easy for musicians to find great new songs right for their ability and mood. Available for the iPad and iPhone, PLAYER works by analyzing the songs in the user’s library and detecting characteristics such as keys, chords and structure. As the song plays, the app displays keys, chords and finger positions for guitar, keyboard and ukulele in real-time. There’s nothing quite like PLAYER. It adds an amazing new dimension to music for pro-musicians, first timers and every musician in-between. And while musicians of every ability will find the app a real treasure, non-musicians will enjoy too. PLAYER lets anyone listen to music like a musician, visualize the underlying structure of a song and see how the music relates to an instrument. Songs can be slowed down to help the musician learn a track or tricky part. A chord editor allows the user to tweak chords the song analysis algorithm may have misinterpreted. A musician or songwriter can experiment with a song by adding and removing chord notation. The app also allows songs to be sorted by key or skill level, and organized in Set Lists. Designed for musician’s rehearsal sessions, the Set List compiles playlists of songs with similar features. This leads to intriguing possibilities as it enables anyone to create sophisticated playlists of musically matched songs without an understanding of musical theory. PLAYER includes powerful search features to identify great songs among the 40 million on iTunes. For example, the Top Charts list reveals which tracks are currently popular with musicians – no one appreciates a brilliant song more than a musician. Musicians will further recognize the value of being able to locate songs in a particular key or with a certain number of chords. The more a musician uses PLAYER, the better they get – and the better the app gets too. Over time more and more songs are added to the database of analyzed songs. More songs get authoritatively checked for accuracy by pro- musicians. And the dedicated Jamn team of developers are continually refining the app and introducing innovative new features to make music easier to listen, learn and discover for musicians and music fans.

Read full article: FeedMyApp


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