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eZ Budget Planner

April 28, 2015 at 07:15AM:


eZ Budget Planner is an Android application that has been designed for easy track and monitor your budget plan versus actual income and expenses with simple User Interface directly from your mobile phone. You can monitor and plan according your needs, not only limited to single budget period but you can have multiple budget plan with multiple budget period. For example, currently you are on vacation and want to have dedicated budget planner for it, at the same time you still want continue to track your monthly family budget. You can have both budget plan in separate budget plan 'folder' and track transactions for each budget separately. You can see your planned amount and actual transaction for each category and sub-category in one screen. Easy for you to justify any expense to be make. Always alert and compare your planned and actual expenses. eZ Budget Planner has a simple and manageable summary of Plan and Actual transactions like some people do in excel spreadsheets. It is not complicated and you can straight away setup, plan and track your income and expenses in minutes. With 'folder' concept of budget planner, you can always switch to any of your budget plan period. Common Financial mistake need to avoid, which is we do not writing down our expenses and purchases. Let's eZ Budget Planner help you for better plan your budgets and have an excellent financial goals. Make it simple, discipline and plan your budget, and see how it works in reality. Start planning your budget, eZ Budget Planner has a feature to easily copy over your previous budget plan period. It make easy for you to plan your future budget planning.

Read full article: FeedMyApp


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